Thursday November 21, 2024
2:00 bike/row
Bear crawls (down)
Broad jumps (back)
High toe touch (down)
Low toe touch (back)
5 good for yous (R lunge + L lunge + air squat = 1 rep) (down)
5 inchworms + 10 duck walks (back)
20 plank shoulder taps
30 wall leaning calf raises
:30 wall hinge stretch
10 seated wall slides
Paused Overhead Squat 3-4x3
Go heavy, or use this time to focus on form and mobility.
9 wallballs
2 down and back KB or DB farmer carry (rig to rig and back x2)
9 wallballs
4 rounds. Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
Wallballs increase to 12/12; 15/15; 18/18 in each subsequent round.
Choose your own KB/DB weight (heavy but unbroken).
If weather and daylight permit, you may modify the farmer carry by running two laps instead.
F: air squats instead of wallballs
P1/P2: as written
C: heavy DB (more than 50/35) farmer carry; heavy wallball