Thursday November 24, 2022


2 Rounds:

8 Cal Row/Bike

10 Mountain Climbers

10 Reverse Lunges

10/Side Kneeling OH Press



Banded Front Rack Stretch :30/Side

Couch Stretch :30/Side

BB Warmup

5 Shrug

5 High Pulls

5 Hang Power Clean

5 Strict Press

5 Push Jerk




1 clean > 1 hang clean > 1 shoulder to overhead


Full or power cleans.  As heavy as possible with good form.  Or use light weight and practice technique. 





30 clean and jerks (135/95)


Modify by going lighter or heavier. 





Clean and Jerk 15/12/9 unbroken


Choose your own weight.  First set of 15 is unbroken.  Second set of 12 is unbroken.  Third set of 9 is unbroken.  Touch and go at the floor.  Even a re-grip off the floor is a foul.  No dropping the bar except at the end of a set.  Rest as needed between sets.  Your score is the weight on the bar. 




:30 seconds work / :30 seconds rest, for 10 minutes:

-- max bike cals (5 mins)

-- max row cals (5 mins)


Your score is the lowest round on the bike plus the lowest round on the rower (the sum of your two lowest scores).  You can bike or row first, just switch halfway through. 


C:  add 5 mins on the ski erg at the beginning or end




Classes at 530am, 830am, and 11am.  All other classes are cancelled.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Jacque Hagen