Thursday September 12, 2024


1:30 bike/row

10 banded pull aparts

10 banded ext. pull aparts

10 banded overhead press

10 banded good mornings

10 banded monster walks

10/side gorilla rows

10/side RDLs

5/side situp with DB ext.

:30 plank



Banded hamstring stretch 1:00/side

Banded shoulder distraction :30/side



Handstand Practice


Walking, wall climbs, freestanding holds, wall supported holds, shoulder taps, etc. 



Partner WOD


In 20 minutes, accumulate as many row meters as possible. 


Before time expires, each partner must also complete:

3 laps KB farmer carry

40 deadlifts

80 pushups

120 situps


Both partners may work at the same time, but each group only gets one rower and one barbell.  Each partner may perform their reps in any order and partitioned as desired. 


F:  reduce reps; light deadlift or KB SDHP; box pushups

P1:  70/55 KBs; 155/105

P1.5:  55/35 KBs; 135/95

P2:  35/25 KBs; 115/75

LW:  do it alone (equipment permitting)


Each partner must complete the following:

3 laps sandbag carry (men) / heavy slamball (women)

5 length of turf handstand walk

25/20 ski cals

40 deadlifts (185/125)

60 GHD situps

Jacque Hagen