Thursday September 15, 2022


300m Row

10  PVC Pass Throughs

10/Way PVC Around the Worlds

PNF Ext. Shoulder Rotation :20/Side

5 PVC Sots Press

10 Cossack Squats

10 Hollow Body Rocks

10 V-ups

20 Penguins

10 Cat/Cows



T-Spine Stretch 1:00 or Thread the needle :30/Side

Couch Stretch :30/Side



Overhead Squat 3-4x3



5 rounds:

200m row

10 overhead squats

200m row


Rest 2 minutes between rounds


F:  light barbell or PVC OHS

P1:  95/65

P1.5:  75/55

P2:  45/35

C:  115/75; bike cals 12/9 instead of 200m row

C+:  135/95

Jacque Hagen