Thursday September 21, 2023


1:30 bike/row

10 Banded pull aparts

10 Banded diagonal pull aparts

10 Banded ext. rotation pull aparts

10 Banded overhead press

10 Banded tricep pull downs

:20/side plank

10 Cat/cows

10 Glute bridges


Thread the Needle :30/side

Pigeon Pose :30/side



Bench Press 5/4/3/3/3


Add weight each set if possible.


WOD Primer

2 Rounds:

50’ Side front rack + FC (down &  back, switch arms at turn around)

5 Narrow grip pushup (tricep pushup)

5 Situps



5 rounds:

1 lap single KB farmer carry

10 matador dips

25 situps


F:  4 rounds; box or bench dips

P1:  55/35

P2:  35/25

C:  70/45; ring dips; 12 GHD situps; 1 rope climb at the end of each round


Modify the carry by using two KBs, or by using the sandbag, heavy medball/slamball, or a plate.

Jacque Hagen