Tuesday April 18, 2023


1:30 bike/row or 2 laps

High Knees (Down & Back)

10 Mountain Climbers

Butt Kicks (Down& Back)

10 Plank pull throughs (10 or 15# plate)

High Toe Touch (Down)

Low Toe Touch (Back)

10 Plate Hops

Carioca (Down & Back)

10 Calf Raises

Lunges (Down)

5 inchworms + 10 Duck walks (Back)

10 Scapular Pullups



Wall Hinge Stretch :30

Samson Stretch :30/side



Strict Pullups

4-5 sets of up to 5 reps


Add weight if necessary.  Modify by doing jumping pullups with a controlled negative, or by using a band. 


WOD Primer

3 Rounds:

1 lap

3 cal bike/ski/row

3 burpees


In 4 minutes:


400m (3 laps)

AMRAP bike cals; row cals; ski cals; burpees in remaining time


4 rounds.  Rest 1 minute between rounds. 


Your score is the total AMRAP reps accomplished.  One round for each exercise.  Exercises can be performed in any order. 


Coordinate classes so everyone has access to a ski erg.  Stagger start if necessary.

Jacque Hagen