Tuesday April 23, 2024


1:30 bike/row

10/side RDL

10/side upright row

10/side gorilla row

5/side situp with extension  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0xdSEVK4nU

10 kip swings

20 line hops



Hamstring rack stretch on rig :30/side

Pec stretch on rig :30/side



Double Under Practice


Spend around 10 minutes practicing the skill.  Try for a consecutive PR.




250 single unders for time (cap of 5 minutes)


Then spend some time warming up deadlifts.


WOD Primer

2 rounds:

4 deadlifts

10 single or double unders

4 pullups

10 single or double unders


5 rounds:

7 deadlifts

21 double unders

14 pullups

28 double unders


F:  reduce rounds; 14 light KB SDHP instead of deadlifts; single unders; ring rows

P1:  225/155

P1.5:  185/125

P2:  155/105; 10/15 DU reps

C:  255/175; 7 bar muscle ups instead of pullups

C+:  5 ring muscle ups instead of pullups

Jacque Hagen