Tuesday April 4, 2023
2:00 bike/row
With empty barbell,
10 RDLs
10 Front squats
10 Push press
10 Good mornings
10 Bent over rows
Banded shoulder distraction :30/side
Banded knight stretch :30/side
BB Warmup
10 elbow rotations
5 shrugs
5 high pulls
5 power cleans
5 strict press
5 split jerks
Clean and Jerk 3x1
Work up to a few heavy reps, or use light weight and practice technique.
WOD Primer
2 rounds:
3 clean and jerks
3 toes to bar
CrossFit Open 13.4
Clean and Jerk
Toes to Bar
F: kb swings and situps
P1: 135/95
P1.5: 115/75
P2: 95/65; hanging knee raises
The official RX for this workout is 135/95.
Then (optional)…
1 round:
20/16 cal ski
20/16 cal row
20/16 cal bike
In that order. Stagger start so everyone has access to a ski erg.