Tuesday August 29, 2023
1:30 bike/row
5 No pushup burpee
10 Speed skaters
10 Jumping lunges
10 Plank shoulder taps
10 Bird dogs
10 Cat/cows
10 Squat to stands
:20 Samson stretch
10 Downward dog toe taps
10 Shin switches
Back Squat 15/12/9
Go heavy but unbroken for each set. Rest several minutes between sets.
WOD Primer
2 rounds:
8 overhead walking lunges
3 burpees
5 rounds:
50’ overhead walking lunge
21 burpees
50’ is roughly across the gym (length of turf) and back.
Weighting options for the lunges are 1) single DB, 2) plate, 3) medball. The .com version was 45/35 empty barbell, but only do that if space permits.
F: 3 rounds
P1: as written
P2: 4 rounds