Tuesday August 3, 2021


2 Rounds:

:30 Bike/Row

10 Russian KBS

10 Single Arm KB OHS (5/Arm)

10 Scapula Push-ups

:30 Plank



Child’s Pose 1:30

(:30 w/ arms straight, :30 w/ arms shifted to right, :30 w/ arms shifted to left)



2021 CF Games Event 8 (BHCF version)


5 minute AMRAP pushups


F:  box

P1:  hand-release

P2:  regular

C:  first 20 are strict handstand pushups; then 20 kipping HSPU; then 20 ring dips; then AMRAP hand-release


Then, spend 5-10 mins practicing power snatches



2021 CF Games Event 9 (BHCF version)


Cal Row or Bike

Power Snatch




F:  kb swings

P1:  95/65

P2:  75/55

C:  105/75; bike cals

Jacque Hagen