Tuesday Dec. 1, 2020
Warm Up
Banded Shoulder Distraction :30/Side
Banded Pigeon Stretch 1:00/Side
W/ Empty BB:
3xMuscle Snatch
1xPause OHS (2 seconds)
3xPower Position Muscle Snatch
1xPause OHS
3xHang Power Snatch
1xPause OHS
3xPower Snatch
1xPause OHS
3xSnatch Balance
Snatch Complex:
Work to a max for the complex of*
2 Snatch (full > power) + 2 Hang Snatch (full > power) + 2 Overhead Squats**
*To be performed without dropping the bar
** If Snatch/OHS are still a work in progress, feel free to do this as a clean/front squat complex
WOD (Strict 20-minute time cap)
20 Box Jumps
25 Thrusters
25 Pullups
20 Box Jumps
25 Overhead Squats
25 Toes 2 Bar
20 Box Jumps
25 Front Squats
25 Pull-ups
F: WB for Thrusters; Ring Rows for Pullups; OH Walking Lunges for OHS; Situps for T2B; Goblet Squats for FS
P1: 95/65 on the barbell
P2: 75/55 on the barbell
C: 10 Devils Press for Box Jumps; 95/65 on the barbell; C2B for the first set of pullups and 5 Rope Climbs for the last set of pull-ups
Post-WOD Cooldown/Mobility (optional)
Cat/Cow 2:00