Tuesday Dec. 8, 2020

Warm Up
Mobility: Child’s Pose on box/bench 1:00  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MBTirDrBGA 

20 Banded OH press, Then…

2 sets: Don’t rest until you have moved through all 15 reps
5 Right Side Windmills
5 Straight  Press
5 Left Side Windmills 

Windmills https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITSmgn_BQgY
Straight Press  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVkMPINZf_c 

Handstand Pushups: 

Spend some time working on HSPU.  If you’re proficient, work on deficit or strict, if they’re still a work in
progress, work on handstand holds or AbMat assisted HSPU.  Pike pushups on a box are also an option.

WOD (Strict 20-minute time cap)
For Time:
Push Press
Toes to Bar

100 Double-Unders

Push Press

75 Double-Unders

Push Press
Burpee Pullups

50 Double-Unders

F:  Light DB PP; Single Unders Throughout; Situps for T2B; Ring Rows for Pull-Ups; Burpees with no pull-ups
P1:  95/65
P2:  75/55
C: HSPU for Push Press; C2B Pullups; Bar MU for burpee Pull-Ups; 150/100/75 on the DU 

Post-WOD Cooldown/Mobility (optional)
Wall Holder Stretch 1:00/Side  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y01ri_43G50

Jacque Hagen