Tuesday December 21, 2021
1:00 Bike/Row
10 PVC Pass Throughs
:20/Side PVC PNF External Rotation
2 Rounds:
8/Arm Bottoms Up KB OH Press
6 Squat w/ Forward Press out (Perform a goblet squat, while in bottom of squat press KB straight out)
8 No Pushup Burpee
Downward Facing Dog :30
Downward Dog Toe Taps x 10
Overhead Squat 4-5x3
Or you may do front or back squats instead.
CrossFit Open 11.4
60 bar-facing burpees
30 overhead squats
10 muscle ups
F: 30 burpees; 20 kb goblet squats; 10 ring rows or pullups
P1: 95/65; 15 chest to bar pullups instead of MU
P2: 75/55; 15 regular pullups instead of MU
C: 120/90
Modify the OHS by reducing the weight and/or by doing front squats.
The official RX for this workout is the Comp weight.
Then (optional)…
CrossFit Baseline
500m row
40 air squats
30 situps
20 pushups
10 pullups