Tuesday December 24, 2024


2:00 bike/row

2 rounds:

10 air squats

:30 plank

10 kip swings



Downward dog :30

Thread the needle :30/side



PR any lift


Pick something and PR it, full send.  Doesn’t have to be a one rep – go for a 3 rep, 5 rep, 10 rep, 20 rep, whatever feels best. 



CrossFit Baseline


500m row

40 air squats

30 situps

20 pushups

10 pullups


F:  box pushups; ring rows




500m row

40 wallballs

30 toes to bar

20 matador dips

10 strict pullups


C:  40 pistols (alternating r/l) instead of wallballs; 20 handstand pushups; 10 bar muscle ups




Flight Simulator


For time:

Unbroken Double Unders



Perform 5 unbroken DU.  Stop.  Perform 10 unbroken DU.  Stop.  Etc.


You and the rope must stop moving before starting the next set.  You may rest before starting the next set, but the clock is running.  If a set is broken, you must return to the start of that set.  For instance, if you get tripped up at 38 on the round of 40, you must begin the set of 40 all over again.


Modify by reducing reps to 10/20/30/40/50/40/30/20/10, and/or by doing unbroken single unders.










F:  wallballs and ring rows 30/20/10

P1:  95/65 (this is the RX for this workout)

P2:  75/55

C:  heavier barbell; chest to bar pullups

C+:  Frantasy Land (google it)




Class at 530am.  Open gym from 9am-11am.  Merry Christmas from BHCF!

Jacque Hagen