Tuesday February 11, 2025


1:30 bike/row

10/side RDL

10/side gorilla rows

10 goblet squats

10 Russian twists

10 plank pull throughs

10 scapular pushups



Banded hamstring stretch 1:00/side

Child’s pose 1:00



Romanian Deadlift 3-4x8-12


Shoot for around 24-32 reps across 3-4 sets – lighter and higher rep or heavier and lower rep (or something in between).



AMRAP 14 (or 7 rounds):


1000m row

Followed by:

Back Squats 2/4/6/8/10/12/14

Pushups 3/6/9/12/15/18/24


The row is only done once. 


You may squat from the rack.  Weight should be moderate to heavy.  Modify by doing lighter front squats.


F:  750m row; light barbell; box pushups

P1:  155/105

P1.5:  135/95

P2:  115/75

C:  185/125 (or more); wall climbs 1/3/5 > handstand pushups 7/9/11/13 instead of pushups


Larger classes may need to stagger start or go in heats so that everyone has access to a rower and rack for the squats.

Will Williams