Tuesday February 15, 2022
250m Row
2 Rounds:
10 Lunges
10 Scapula Pushups
10 Fire Hydrants
10 Dead Bugs
Wall Hinge Stretch :30
1x3 at 60% of training max
1x3 at 67.5%
2x8 at 72.5%
1xAMRAP at 72.5%
Stop 1-2 reps short of failure on the AMRAP set.
In 5 minutes:
450m row
25 situps
20 kb swings
AMRAP pushups
3 rounds. Rest 5 minutes between rounds. Your score is the total AMRAP reps accomplished.
F: reduce volume; light kb; box pushups
P1: 50/35
P2: 35/25
C: 70/45; handstand pushups (round 1); ring dips (round 2); regular pushups (round 3)
C+: strict HSPU in round 1
Combine options as desired. Modify by doing matador dips.