Tuesday February 8, 2022
Bike or Row
:30 Hard/:30 Easy
:45 Hard/:45 Easy
1:00 Hard/1:00 Easy
Thread the Needle :20/Side
Calf Stretch :20/Side
4x8 at 65% of training max
1xAMRAP at 65%
Stop 2-3 reps short of failure on the AMRAP set.
Adjust your training max based on how many reps you got in the AMRAP set at the end of week 3 of the first cycle (the 5/3/1+ day). For every rep beyond 10 that you got, add 1.25lbs to your training max. For example, if you got 16 on the AMRAP set, add 7.5lbs to your training max (6 reps past 10, 6 x 1.25 = 7.5).
If you do not remember your AMRAP reps, or if you do not have a training max, estimate on the low end.
Every 2 minutes:
40 double unders
AMRAP cal row or bike
10 rounds. Your score is the LOWEST number of cals you got in a round. The tie breaker is the total cals rowed/biked (so keep track of both).
No designed rest between rounds, but you may (and should) rest for some of the 2 minutes. Except for Jonny and Kyle. Full send for them.
F: single unders
P1: as written
P2: 25 double unders
C: 50 double unders