Tuesday January 7, 2025


1:30 bike/row

5 no pushup burpees

10/side overhead press

5 no pushup burpees

10 goblet squats

5 no pushup burpees

5/side thruster



10 squat to stands

:20/side samson stretch

10 downward dog toe taps

10 shin switches



Establish a 10 rep max back squat


Build up with a few smaller sets, then go for 10 at a weight that challenges you but with no risk of failure. 



AMRAP 15 or 8 rounds:





F:  reduce rounds

P1/P2:  as written

C:  heavy wallballs; 6 strict pullups at the END of each round


Modify C by reducing the number of strict pullups or by using a band (but NOT by kipping).  Modify upward by doing strict chest to bar.




This week’s workouts will be our 2025 BHCF Benchmarks.  Please record both your back squat weight AND time for the WOD.  We will redo the WOD mid year to test progress.  We will redo the strength periodically throughout the year. 

Jacque Hagen