Tuesday July 19, 2022
2 Lap Jog or 1:30 Bike/Row
High Knees (Down)
Knee Pulls (Back)
Butt Kicks (Down)
Lunges (Back)
A-Skips (Down)
Carioca (Down & Back)
10/Arm SA Russian KBS
5/Arm SA KB Snatch
5 Squat w/ Forward Press
Thread the Needle :30/Side
Hamstring Stretch :30/Side
BB Warmup
5 Shrug
5 High Pulls
5 Muscle Snatch
5 Hang Power Snatch
5 Snatch Balance
Work up to a heavy hang snatch. Full or power.
3 rounds:
400m run (3 laps)
20 dumbbell snatches (alternating r/l)
25/20 cal row or bike
Rest 2 minutes between rounds
F: kb swings instead of DB snatch
P1: 50/35 DB
P2: lighter DB
C: 10 barbell power snatch (135/95) instead of DB snatch
Reduce the barbell weight if you want to do power snatches but not at 135/95.