Tuesday July 4, 2023


1:30 Bike/Row

10 Squat Jumps

5 No Push-up Burpee

10/side DB/KB OH Press

10/side DB/KB Hang Clean

5 Goblet Squats

10 Kip Swings


Wall Hinge Stretch :30


BB Warmup

10 Elbow Rotations

5 Shrugs

5 High Pulls

5 Hang Cleans

5 Split Jerks


Work up to a heavy single clean and jerk





51 toes to bar

10 clean and jerks

51 wallballs

10 clean and jerks

51 burpees

10 clean and jerks

51 cal row or bike


We miss you, Pete.  Never forgotten.  


F:  reduce reps; situps instead of toes to bar; 15 kb swings instead of clean and jerks

P1:  135/95

P1.5:  115/75

P2:  95/65

C:  155/105




Classes at 530am, 830am, 11am, and noon.  Afternoon and evening classes are cancelled.  Happy Independence Day!

Jacque Hagen