Tuesday June 13, 2023
1:30 Bike/Row
10 Lunge Jumps
5 No Pushup Burpees
10/side Bottoms KB Press
10/side KB Hang Snatch
3/side Turkish Get up
Pigeon Pose on Box :30/side
Prayer Pose on Box 1:00
BB Warmup
10 Good Mornings
5 Shrugs
5 High Pulls
5 Muscle Snatches
5 Hang Power Snatches
5 Snatch Balances
Work up to a heavy snatch
Full or power. Those new to lifting should practice light hang power snatches.
WOD Primer
2 Rounds:
2 Negative Pullups
3 Burpees
4 DB Snatches
5 Box Jumps
32 dumbbell snatches (alternating r/l)
30 burpee pullups
26 dumbbell snatches
30 burpee box jumps
18 dumbbell snatches
Choose your own DB weight.
F: reduce reps; burpee jumping pullups OR burpees followed by ring rows
P1/P2: as written
C: barbell power snatch (135/95) 15/12/9 instead of dumbbell snatch; burpee chest to bar pullups
C+: full snatch; burpee strict pullups