Tuesday June 4, 2024


1:30 bike/row

10 air squats

10 squat jumps

10/side RDL

5/side split squat

10/side side bends

10/side half kneeling OH press

5/side thrusters



Thread the needle :30/side

Pigeon pose :30/side



Double DB walking lunge (down) > farmer carry (back) > unweighted broad jump (down)


As heavy as possible on the DB.  Repeat 4-5 times. 


Then, spend some time warming up deadlifts for the WOD.



5 rounds:

5 deadlifts

20 wallballs

5 deadlifts


Rest 2 minutes between rounds. 


F:  KB SDHP instead of deadlifts; light wallball or air squats; reduce reps

P1:  225/155

P1.5:  185/125

P2:  135/95; 15 wallballs

C:  255/175; 25 wallballs


The goal is to go unbroken on the wallballs all 5 rounds.

Jacque Hagen