Tuesday March 28, 2023


2:00 Bike/Row

5 No Pushup Burpees

10 Banded Pull Aparts

10 Banded Diagonal Pull Aparts

10 Banded Good Mornings

10 Banded Monster Walks

5/way KB Halos

10/Side Upright Row

10/Side KB RDL

5 No Pushup Burpees



Thread the Needle :30/Side

Hamstring Rack Stretch :30/Side




5 @ 75%

3 @ 85%

1+ @ 95%


Last set is AMRAP.


WOD Primer

2 Rounds:

3 Strict Press

2 Strict Pullups or 3 Ring Rows

3 Burpees



10 rounds:

Shoulder to Overhead 1-10

Pullups 2-11

Burpees over the Bar 3-12


Start at 1 shoulder to overhead, 2 pullups, 3 burpees, and add 1 rep to each exercise in each subsequent round.


F:  light barbell; ring rows; regular burpees; reduce reps

P1:  135/95 and strict pullups (rounds 1-5); 115/75 and chest to bar pullups (rounds 6-10)

P1.5:  115/75 and chest to bar pullups (1-5); 95/65 and regular pullups (6-10)

P2:  95/65 (1-5); 75/55 (6-10); all regular pullups

C:  155/105 and bar muscle ups (1-5); 135/95 and chest to bar pullups (6-10)

Jacque Hagen