Tuesday March 5, 2024
2 Rounds
10 Cal Row
10 KB swings (rd 1) / KB C&Js (5/arm, rd2)
10 scapular pullups (rd 1)/ 10 kip swings (rd2)
Child’s pose 1:00
BB warmup: (empty BB)
Hang Power Cleans
Push Press
Power Cleans
Push Jerks
3 Power Clean and Jerks
Work up to a heavy clean and jerk
WOD Primer
200m row
3 clean and jerks
5 pullups
In 5 minutes:
450m row
10 clean and jerks
AMRAP pullups in remaining time
3 rounds. Rest 5 minutes between rounds.
Your score is the total pullup reps accomplished.
F: light barbell or double DB hang power clean and jerk; ring rows
P1: 135/95
P1.5: 115/75
P2: 95/65
C: 155/105; bar muscle ups
C+: 155/105; ring muscle ups
Choose the most difficult pullup variation you can do (strict > chest to bar > regular > jumping) with a goal of 15-20 per round (do not exceed 20 pullups or 10 muscle ups). Or do one round with each variation. Choose a clean and jerk weight that gives you enough time to get at least 10-15 pullups.