Tuesday November 30, 2021
2 Rounds:
150m Row
5/Arm SA KB Clean
5/Leg SL Squat
5 Pushups
Child’s Pose 1:00
BB Warmup
10 Elbow Rotations
5 Shrug
5 High Pull
5 Muscle Clean
5 Power Clean
Work up to a 3 rep max touch and go power clean
As heavy as possible with good form. Those new to lifting can reset at the floor.
In 7 minutes:
15 burpees over the bar
15/12 cal row or bike
20 power cleans
15/12 cals
AMRAP burpees over the bar
Rest 3 minutes
In 7 minutes:
15/12 cals
15 burpees over the bar
20 power cleans
15 burpees over the bar
AMRAP cals
Your score is the total AMRAP reps accomplished.
F: reduce reps; 25 kb swings instead of power cleans
P1: 135/95
P2: 95/65
C: 155/105; bike cals