Tuesday October 24, 2023
1:30 bike/row
10 BB Strict press
10 BB Bent over row
10 BB Good mornings
10 Kip swings
10 Scapular pushups
Quadruped hold 1:00
Banded hamstring stretch :30/side
Banded shoulder distraction :30/side
Work up to a heavy (90%) deadlift
2-3x3 at 80-90% of that number
WOD Primer
2 rounds:
5 cals
4 pushups
3 toes to bar
2 negative pullups
3 rounds:
20/16 cal row
20 pushups
Rest 3 minutes
3 rounds:
20/16 cal bike
15 toes to bar
Rest 3 minutes
3 rounds
10 deadlifts
10 strict pullups
You may begin with either part 1 (row) or part 2 (bike).
F: reduce reps or rounds; box pushups; situps instead of toes to bar; KB SDHP; ring rows
P1: 185/125
P1.5: 155/105; regular pullups
P2: 135/95; hanging knee raises
C: 225/155 or more; increase pushups to 30, cals to 30/24, and toes to bar to 20; 10 muscle ups instead of strict pullups