Tuesday October 3, 2023
1:30 bike/row
Banded pull aparts
Banded diagonal pull aparts
Banded ext. rotation pull aparts
Banded OH press
Banded good mornings
Banded front raises https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-luYpN2pXaE
10 Glute bridges
3-5 Negative pullups
Banded shoulder distractions :30/side
Banded hamstring stretch :30/side
Paused Bench Press 4-5x3
Three second pause, keeping tension without letting the bar sink into your chest. Light to moderate weight, focus on acceleration from the chest and speed through the finish.
WOD Primer
2 rounds:
3 shoulder to overhead
3 strict pullups (modify as appropriate)
3 burpees over the bar
5 rounds:
9 shoulder to overhead
12 pullups
15 burpees over the bar
F: light barbell or double DB; ring rows; 4 rounds
P1: 115/75; chest to bar pullups
P1.5: 95/65; regular pullups
P2: 75/55; regular pullups
C: 135/95 or more; bar MU (round 1), strict chest to bar (round 2), strict (round 3), chest to bar (round 4), regular pullups (round 5)
Combine options as desired. Modify the Comp version by reducing reps or by adjusting the pullup variation.