Tuesday September 20, 2022


2 Lap Jog or 1:30 Bike/Row

High Knees (Down)

10 Squat Jumps

Butt Kicks (Back)

10 Flutter Kicks

High Toe Touch (Down)

5 Hand Release Pushups

Low Toe Touch (Back)

5/Side Split Squat

Carioca (Down & Back)

Scapular Pullups

1:00 Static KB Hold



Child’s Pose 1:005

Thread the Needle :30/Side



3 laps KB or DB farmer’s carry


Goal is heaviest possible unbroken.  Do not drop the either the KBs or the DBs. 


WOD (25 minute time cap)

5 rounds:

12 pullups

1 lap

12 KB swings

1 lap

12 box jumps

1 lap


F:  ring rows; reduce reps

P1:  55/35

P2:  35/25; 9 reps of everything

C:  70/45; 6 bar muscle ups instead of pullups; box jump overs

C+:  ring muscle ups

Jacque Hagen