Wednesday April 12, 2023


2:00 bike/row

10/side DB/KB Upright Row

10/side RDL

10/side Hang cleans

10 Plank Pull Throughs

10 Calf Raises

20 Plate Hops

10 Scapular Pullups



Banded Front Rack Stretch :30/side

Wall Hinge Stretch :30



Strict Pullups

4-5 sets of up to 5 reps


Add weight if necessary.  Modify by doing jumping pullups with a controlled negative, or by using a band.  There are pullups in Friday’s WOD, so modify this accordingly. 


Then, spend some time warming up for the WOD.


WOD Primer

2 rounds:

10 Double Unders or Single Unders

5 Hang Power Cleans

5 Deadlifts



Deadlifts 5/10/15

Double Unders 25/50/75


Rest 4 minutes


Hang Power Cleans 5/10/15

Double Unders 25/50/75


F:  KB SDHP 10/15/20 instead of deadlifts; KB swings 10/15/20 instead of hang power cleans; single unders

P1:  225/155 deadlift; 135/95 hang power clean

P1.5:  185/125; 115/75

P2:  155/105; 95/65; DU reps 15/30/45

C:  255/175; 155/105

Jacque Hagen