Wednesday April 17, 2024


1:30 bike/row

10/side split squat

10 speed skaters

10 lunge jumps

10 plank shoulder taps

10 scapular pushups

10 glute bridges

:30 handstand or headstand hold (use all if needed)



Sphinx pose :30

Downward dog :30



Benchmark Row (500m/1000m/2000m/5000m)




Double DB Walking Farmer Carry Lunge (length of turf or rig to rig) 4-5 sets




Do both


WOD Primer

2 rounds:

5 cals

5 pushups

6 box step ups


In 5 minutes:


20/16 cal row or bike

15 pushups

10 box jumps


Rest the remainder of the 5 minutes.


5 rounds (round 2 begins at 5:00, round 3 at 10:00, etc.).  Your score is the SLOWEST round it took to complete the work.


F:  box pushups

P1/P2:  as written

C:  handstand walk length of turf instead of 15 pushups; 30/24 inch box jump overs


Modify C by doing 10 HSPU or 5 wall climbs instead of handstand walk.

Jacque Hagen