Wednesday August 14, 2024
2 laps or 1:30 bike row
High knees (down & back)
10 air squats
Butt kicks (down & back)
10 squat jumps
Lunges (down)
A-skips (back)
10 bird dogs
High toe touch (down)
Low toe touch (back)
10/way leg swings
Banded front rack stretch :30/side
Calf stretch :30/side
Paused Front Squat 3-4x3
3-4 second pause. Focus on form and speed.
1 mile run (12 laps)
250 double unders
100 wallballs
In any order and partitioned as desired.
F: reduce reps; single unders; air squats
P1: as written
P2: 150 double unders
C: 50 thrusters (+/- 115/75) instead of wallballs