Wednesday August 23, 2023


1:30 bike/row

10 Squat jumps

20 Penguins

10 plank wallball taps

20 Line hops

10 Dead bugs w/ wallball



Banded front rack stretch :30/side

Calf stretch :30/side


BB Warmup

5 Shrugs

5 High pulls

5 muscle snatches

5 hang power cleans

5 OHS or Front squat



Hang Snatch 3/2/1


Heaviest possible for 3, then for 2, then for 1.  Or stay light and focus on technique.


Full or power.


The version was 3x3, then 3x2, then 3x1, and full snatch.  We’ve shortened it so that we could add a conditioning workout as well.


WOD Primer

5 wallballs

5 situps

5 kb swings

10 single or double unders


4 rounds:

15 wallballs

25 situps

15 kb swings

50 double unders


Choose your own KB and WB weight.  Modify the KB swings by doing alternating DB hang snatches.  Modify the situps by doing 15 GHD situps.


F:  single unders; reduce reps and/or rounds

P1:  as written

P2:  25 double unders

Jacque Hagen