Wednesday August 31, 2022


2:00 Bike/Row

10 Mountain Climbers

10 Squat Jumps

10 KB Russian Twists

5/Side KB Around the Worlds

10/Side Bottoms Up KB Press

10 KB Plank Pull Throughs



10 Squat to Stands

:20/Side Samson Stretch

10 Downward Dog Toe Taps

10 Shin Switches



Back Squat

2-4x5 at 90% of 5 rep max

1xAMRAP at 90%


Two to four sets of five, followed by one AMRAP set.  Finish with 3-5 sets total, depending on how much volume you can handle in combination with the WOD.


Then, spend some time warming up shoulder to overhead.



1 lap kB farmer carry


Strict Press

Box Jumps



1 lap KB farmer carry


Shoulder to Overhead

Box Jumps



1 lap KB farmer carry


F:  light barbell or DB shoulder to overhead; light KBs

P1:  95/65; 55/35 KBs

P2:  75/55; 35/25 KBs

C:  115/75; 70/45 KBs


Do not drop the KBs.  Use the black mats if you set them down on concrete. 



Wide Stance Downward Dog 1:00

Quad Stretch 1:00

Jacque Hagen