Wednesday December 20, 2023
1:30 bike/row
10/side RDL
10/side DB overhead press
10/side DB bent over row
10 goblet squats
5/side DB thruster
:30 plank
10 scapular pushups
Thread the needle :30/side
Wall hinge stretch :30
Pendlay Row or Barbell Bent Over Row 4x6
Superset with:
Dips or Pushups (matador, ring, weighted, box, deficit, handstand, etc.) 4x6-8
Choose the toughest dip/pushup variation you can get for 6-8 unbroken. No kipping.
WOD Primer
2 Rounds:
5 wallballs
5 cals
50 wallballs
55/44 cal row or bike
50 wallballs
In that order. 14 minute time cap. If you reach the time cap, record your reps.
F: reduce reps and partition (e.g., 5 rounds of 10 wallballs and 10 cals)
P1: as written
P2: 35 wallballs each time
C: heavy wallball; bike cals
This is a redo from September 5. Let’s see if Hatch helps with wallballs.