Wednesday December 8, 2021


5 x 3 Air Squat + Broad Jump (Total 0f 15 air squats)

2 Rounds:

10 Mountain Climbers

10/Side Lateral Box Step-ups

5 Negative Pull Ups


At some point during the warmup do 10 D-ball over the shoulder (heavy wallball can also be used)



Prayer Stretch on Box :30

Pigeon Stretch on Box  :30/Side


BB Warmup

10 Elbow Rotations

5 Shrugs

5 High Pulls

5 Power Cleans

5 Strict Press

5 Split Jerk



Work up to a one rep max clean and jerk.


Go heavy, or stay light and focus on technique.




6 burpee box jumps

3 clean and jerks

6 pullups


F:  6 alt. db snatch instead of c/j; ring rows

P1:  135/95; chest to bar pullups

P2:  95/65; regular pullups

C:  165/115; 2 ring muscle ups instead of pullups (modify by doing bar MU)

Jacque Hagen