Wednesday February 14, 2024


1:30 bike/row

5 air squats + 10 squat jumps

10/side Russian KBS

10/side bent over row

10/side OH press

10 goblet squats

5/side thruster

10 plank pull throughs

15 Glute bridges

15 Banded pull throughs (red or blue band)



Banded front rack stretch :30/side

Banded knight stretch :30/side



Work up to a heavy hang power clean


WOD Primer: 2 rounds:

5 wallballs

5 situps

5 KB swings


Wallballs 3/6/9/12/15/18/21

Situps 3/6/9/12/15/18/21


12 KB swings AFTER each round


F:  5-6 rounds; light KB

P1:  70/45

P1.5:  55/35

P2:  35/25

C:  heavy wallball; 9 hang power cleans (95/65 or 115/75) instead of KB swings

Jacque Hagen