Wednesday February 23, 2022
1:30 Bike/Row
10/Leg SL DB RDL
10/Arm SA DB OH Press
10/Arm DB Bent Over Row
10 Goblet Squats
:20 Hollow Body Hold
:20 Superman Hold
Wall Hinge Stretch :45
1x5 at 50% of training max
1x3 at 60%
1x2 at 70%
1x1 at 75%
1xAMRAP at 80%
Go to failure on the AMRAP set. Record the number of reps on your AMRAP set.
Then, spend a few minutes warming up to your working weight for the power clean in the WOD.
15 power cleans
25 toes to bar
35 wallballs
90 situps
35 wallballs
25 toes to bar
15 power cleans
F: light barbell or double dumbbell hang power clean; v-ups instead of toes to bar; reduce reps
P1: 155/105
P1.5: 135/95
P2: 115/75
C:185/125; heavy wallball; 45 GHD situps