Wednesday January 18, 2023


1:30 Bike/Row

10/Side Weighted External shoulder Rotation (2.5 or 5# plate)

5 Goblet Squats w/ forward press (10 or 15# plate)

10 Plank Pull Throughs (10 or 15# plate)

10 Glute Bridges

20 Plate Hops



Pec Stretch :30/Side

Calf Stretch :30/Side



Bench Press 4x6

Then, spend some time warming up front squats for the WOD.


WOD Primer

2 Rounds:

5 Cals

3 Front Squats (empty bb)

10 Single or Double Unders



Front Squats 12/9/6

Double Unders 20/40/60


Rest 2 minutes


Double Unders 60/40/20

Cal Row or Bike 10/15/20 (8/12/15)


Rest 2 minutes


Cals 20/15/10 (15/12/8)

Front Squats 6/9/12


F:  KB goblet squats; single unders

P1:  135/95

P1.5:  115/75

P2:  95/65; DU reps 15/30/45 (part 1) and 45/30/15 (part 2)

C:  155/105; DU reps 25/50/75 (part 1) and 75/50/25 (part 2); bike cals

Jacque Hagen