Wednesday July 26, 2023


1:30 Bike/Row or 1 Lap

High Knees (Down/Back)

10 Mountain Climbers

Butt Kicks (Down/Back)

10 Glute Bridges

High Toe Touch (Down)

Low Toe Touch (Back)

10 Bird Dogs

Carioca (Down/Back)

10 Scapular Pushups

Lunges (Down)

5 Inchworms + 10 Duck Walks (Back)



Banded Shoulder Distraction :30/side

Banded Hamstring Stretch :30/side



Double DB Walking Lunges 3-4x10 (total) OR Double DB Bench Press 3-4x10


Or both (superset), depending on how you feel.


WOD Primer:

1 lap

3 negative pullups

5 pushups



In 4 minutes:


400m run (3 laps), followed by:






3 rounds.  Rest 2 minutes between rounds.  Your score is the total number of pullups and pushups accomplished.  Begin each round with 2/2.


Modify the run by rowing 500m.


F:  ring rows

P1:  strict pullups/matador dips (round 1); chest to bar pullups/deficit pushups (round 2); regular pullups/regular pushups (round 3)

P2:  all regular pullups and pushups

C:  bar muscle ups/wall climbs 1/2/3/4/5/etc. (round 1); strict pullups/ring dips (round 2); chest to bar pullups/matador dips (round 3)

Jacque Hagen