Wednesday July 6, 2022


2:00 Bike/Row

10 PVC Pass Throughs

10 PVC Around the Worlds

:20/Side PVC PNF Stretch

10 Scapula Pushups

:30 Plank

10 Plank Shoulder Taps

10 Plate Hops

:20 Headstand Hold (against wall or free standing)/Tripod hold

1:00 Single Unders



Child’s Pose 1:00

Calf Stretch :30/Side



Handstand and Double Under Practice


Spend about 10 minutes practicing each.  Handstand walks, handstand pushups, pike pushups, handstand holds against the wall, etc.


Stations: Spend 3 minutes at each station

Station 1: Pike Pushups 3x5                                        

Station 2: Box Pike Walk Around               3x5                       

Station 3: Handstand Kick Ups                                      

Station 4: Shoulder Taps against wall/Handstand Walks

Station 5: Double Under Practice

Station 6: Handstand Pushup/Wall Climbs   



CrossFit Open 21.1 (15 minute time cap)


Wallclimbs 1/3/6/9/15/21

Double Unders 10/30/60/90/150/210


F:  box pushups 3/6/9/15/18/21; single unders

P1:  as written

P2:  regular pushups 3/6/9/15/18/21; DU 5/15/30/45/75/105

Jacque Hagen