Wednesday June 16, 2021


2:00 Bike/Row or Jog 2 Laps

10 Squat to Stand, Then…

2 Rounds:

:20 Forward/Backward Hops over line

5/Arm DB Single Arm Thrusters

5 No Push-Up Burpee

15 Air Squats

5/leg Bulldog (hip hinges to side)

5/leg Birddog (leg shoots behind body, opposite arm extends)



Calf Stretch :30/Side

Banded Front Rack Stretch 1:00/Side



Back Squat


30 reps in as few sets as possible.  Goal weight for men is 1.25X bodyweight; 1X bodyweight for women.  Reduce weight to ensure you can complete all 30 reps in fewer than 5 sets.  Note the number of sets and your % of BW on the board. 


WOD (22 minute time cap)

20 thrusters

1 lap

20 burpees

1 lap

60 double unders

1 lap


3 rounds


F:  light db thrusters; single unders

P1:  75/55

P2:  45/35

C:  95/65

Jacque Hagen