Wednesday May 15, 2024


1:30 bike/row

5 no pushup burpees

10 PVC pass throughs

5/way around the worlds

:20/side PVC PNF stretch

10 hollow body rock (holding PVC)

1:00 Quadruped hold

20 line hops


Banded shoulder distraction :30/side

Calf stretch :30/side



1.      50 toes to bar in fewest sets possible

2.      300 single unders in fewest sets possible


Write your score for each on the board; best possible score for each is 1.   Your toes to bar set ends when you come off the bar and/or your feet touch the ground.  Your single under set ends when you trip up or take a break.


Modify TTB by reducing reps and/or by doing hanging knee raises or medball v-ups.

Modify the SU by reducing reps.


Then spend some time warming up deadlifts for the WOD.


WOD Primer

2 rounds:

4 deadlifts

10 single or double unders

4 burpees


In 2 minutes:

9 deadlifts

45 double unders

AMRAP burpees in remaining time


5 rounds.  Rest 2 minutes between rounds.  Your score is the total burpees accomplished.


F:  15 light KB SDHP instead of deadlifts; 30 single unders

P1:  185/125

P1.5:  155/105

P2:  135/95; 25 double unders

C:  225/155; bar facing burpees

Jacque Hagen