Tuesday May 17, 2022


1:30 Row/Bike

10/Arm SA Upright Row

12 Mountain Climbers

10/Arm SA Lateral Row

:30 Plank

10/Arm SA DB Hang Clean

10 Scapula Pushups



Banded Front Rack Stretch :30/Side

Calf Stretch :30/Side


BB Warmup

5 Shrug

5 High Pull

5 Hang Clean

5 Power Clean

5 Front Squats



Work up to a heavy 3 position clean (high hang > hang > floor)


Full or power.  If you are new to cleans, just do hang power cleans.



Power Cleans 9/7/5

Burpees Over the Bar 15/12/9


Rest 3 minutes


Power Cleans 7/5/3

Burpees over the Bar 12/9/6


Rest 3 minutes


Power Cleans 5/3/1

Burpees over the Bar 9/6/3


F:  double db hang power clean; reduce reps

P1:  135/95

P1.5:  115/75

P2:  95/65

C:  155/105

Jacque Hagen