Wednesday May 31, 2023
1:30 Bike/Row or 2 laps
High Toe Touch (Down & Back)
Low Toe Touch (Down & Back)
High Knees (Down & Back)
Butt Kicks (Down & Back)
Lunges (Down)
5 Inchworms + 10 Duck Walks (Back
Single Arm OH walk w/ KB (Down & Back, switch arms on way back)
Russian KBS x 10
Downward Dog 1:00
Pec Stretch on wall/floor :30/side
For time:
3 laps run
2 laps single KB farmer carry
1 lap double KB farmer carry
As heavy as possible.
WOD Primer
2 Rounds:
1 lap
10 Double or Single Unders
3 Burpees
Double Unders 20/40/60/80/100/etc.
Burpees 5/10/15/20/25/30/etc.
For every round completed, you must perform one of the following: 2 laps run, OR 1 lap single KB farmer carry. You can choose a different option each round, however you wish.
F: light kb; single unders
P1: 55/35
P2: 35/25
C: 70/45; 3 laps run OR 1 lap double KB farmer carry for each round completed