Wednesday November 24, 2021


1:00 Double or Single Unders

3 Air Squats + Broad Jump (Down)

10 Mountain Climbers

High Toe Touch (Back)

5 No Pushup Burpee

Low Toe Touch (Down)

:30 Plank

Lung w/ Twist (Back)

5 Negative Pullup



Hamstring Rack Stretch 1:00/Side

Thread the Needle :30/Side



Barbell Good Morning


Practice the movement.  If you’d like, do 3x8 with light weight.



Filthy Fifty


For time:

50 box jumps (24/20)

50 jumping pullups

50 kb swings (35/25)

50 walking lunges (total)

50 knees to elbows

50 shoulder to overhead (45/35)

50 good mornings (45/35)

50 wallballs

50 burpees

50 double unders


F:  25 reps; ring rows instead of pullups; situps instead of knees to elbows; lighter kb and barbell; 100 single unders

P1/P2/C:  as written

Jacque Hagen