Wednesday November 29, 2023
1:30 bike/row
10 air squats
10 squat jumps
5/way DB/KB halos
10/side DB/KB RDL
10/side DB/KB OH press
5 goblet squats
5/side DB/KB thruster
10 plank pull throughs
10/side fire hydrants
Banded shoulder distraction :30/side
Banded hamstring stretch :30/side
Front or Back Lunges 3x6
Light to moderate weight. Or use this time to warm up deadlifts for the WOD.
WOD Primer
2 rounds:
4 deadlifts
4 dips
4 wallballs
4 situps
4 rounds:
6 deadlifts
12 dips
4 deadlifts
18 wallballs
2 deadlifts
24 situps
Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
F: double KB deadlift; box or bench dips;
P1: 225/155; matador dips
P1.5: 185/125; matador dips
P2: 135/95; box or bench dips
C: 255/175 or more; ring dips; 12 toes to bar instead of situps; heavy wallball