Wednesday November 9, 2022


1:30 Bike/Row

10 Squat Jumps

10/Side Russian KBS

5/Side Hang KB Clean

10/Side KB OH Press

10 Scapular Pullups



Banded Shoulder Distraction :30/Side

Pigeon Pose :30/Side

BB Warmup

5 Shrugs

5 High Pulls

5 Muscle Cleans

5 Hang Power Cleans

5 Power Cleans



Three position clean (high hang > low hang > floor)


Work up to something heavy, or use lighter weight and focus on technique.



In 15 minutes:

18 pullups

18 box jumps

9 power cleans

15 pullups

15 box jumps

7 power cleans

12 pullups

12 box jumps

5 power cleans

9 pullups

9 box jumps

AMRAP power cleans


Cap of 10 power cleans on the AMRAP part.  If you get 10 in under 15 mins record your time on the board.


Do not sacrifice form for reps in this workout, especially the AMRAP.  Strive for your last rep to look just like your first. 


F:  2x kb swings instead of power cleans; ring rows instead of pullups

P1:  115/75 (9), 135/95 (7), 155/105 (5), 185/125 (AMRAP)

P1.5:  95/65, 115/75, 135/95, 155/105

P2:  75/55, 95/65, 115/75, 135/95

C:  135/95, 155/105, 185/125, 205/135

C+:  155/105, 185/125, 205/135, 225/155; chest to bar pullups; box jump overs

Jacque Hagen