Wednesday Oct. 7, 2020

Warm Up
Mobility:  Banded Shoulder Distraction 1:00/Side 

2 Sets of 5 Reps (1st set w/ empty BB, 2nd w/ light weight- no heavier than 75/55)
Clean Grip RDL
Clean Pull
Hang Power Clean
Power Clean 

Power Clean EMOM 10:
2 x (1 Clean Pull + 1 Power Clean) - increasing 

AMRAP 5, Rest 5 x 3 Rounds
10 Power Cleans
20/16 Cal Row/Bike
50 Double Unders
Time Remaining: Max Burpee Box Jumps* 

*Score is the total burpee box jumps

F:  DB Hang PC; Single Unders
P1: RD1: 95/65, RD2: 115/75, RD3: 135/95
P2: RD1: 75/55, RD2: 95/55, RD3: 115/75
C:  RD1: 115/75, RD2: 135/95, RD3: 155/105 

Post-WOD Cooldown/Mobility
Calf Wall Stretch 1:00/Side

2x8 Single Leg RDL w/ light KB

Jacque Hagen