Wednesday October 2, 2024


1:30 bike/row

10 air squats

10 squat jumps

10/side upright row

10/side front raise

10/side lateral raise

5/side split squat

5/side kickstand squat



Banded front rack stretch :30/side

Banded knight stretch :30/side


BB warmup

10 elbow rotations

5 shrugs

5 high pulls

5 tall cleans

5 hang cleans



Work up to a heavy 3 position clean (high hang > hang > floor)


Then, 3-4 reps at 80%-90%, focusing on technique



9 hang power cleans

12 box jumps

30/24 cals

9 hang power cleans

12 box jumps

30/24 cals

9 hang power cleans

12 box jumps

30/24 cals

9 hang power cleans

12 box jumps

60 situps

9 hang power cleans

12 box jumps


One set of cals at each machine.  The cals and situps can be done in any order but must be done in their entirety (for example, ski/situps/bike/row or situps/row/ski/bike). 


Coordinate and/or stagger start so that everyone has access to the ski erg.  Larger classes can modify by doing slam balls instead of ski.


F:  light barbell

P1:  115/75

P1.5:  95/65

P2:  75/55

C:  135/95 or more; 40 GHD situps

Jacque Hagen