Wednesday September 27, 2023


2:00 bike/row

10 squat jumps

10/side russian KBS

10/side bent over row

10/side bent over front raise

 5/side situp with KB, full extension at top

10 Calf raises (use 10# or 15# plate)



Pec stretch :30/side

Calf stretch :30/side



Barbell Bent Over Row or Pendlay Row 4x6


Modify by doing single arm dumbbell rows with leg supported on a bench.


Regardless of which version you do, dd a 2-3 second isometric hold with each rep to increase difficulty. 


Then, spend some time practicing double unders.


WOD Primer

1 round:

5 kip swings

10 single or double unders

5 box jumps

10 single or double unders

5 KB swings

10 single or double unders

5 situps


30 double unders

30 toes to bar

45 double unders

45 box jumps

60 double unders

60 KB swings

75 double unders

75 situps

90 double unders


Choose your own KB weight.


F:  reduce volume; single unders

P1:  as written

P2:  reduce DU reps to 15/30/45/60/75 or less

C:  alternating DB snatch (50/35) instead of KB swings; 45 GHD situps


Modify the toes to bar by doing ball slams.

Jacque Hagen